Corey Ferrier

(519) 943-3981
St. Albert, AB

    Corey Ferrier is a Private Wealth Advisor, the Managing Director of Raintree Insurance Services and Head of National Sales for Raintree Financial Solutions. Based in the Edmonton area, he is passionate about the financial industry and participates in all levels.

    Corey is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) with nine years of experience in the financial sector working with clients, advisors and as part of the executive team. Participating in all levels of the industry gives Corey a unique perspective that he uses to benefit his clients in meaningful ways.

    Corey was born and raised in the Greater Toronto Area and grew up with a strong sense of family and community. He is family-focused, with a lovely wife with two young children.

    Corey views himself as an educator – finance is complicated and it’s his role to help you understand, in plain language, the pros and cons of financial decisions. From debt management and investment funds to complex estate or business planning and everything in between, there is no financial question too trivial that you should not ask him.