We would like to introduce you to a significant tax saving vehicle that may help those with high incomes and/or a one-time large tax problem. You are familiar with RRSPs and TFSAs, but did you know that there is a third Government tax-incentive program that’s been around for decades but seems to be somewhat less known? The Federal Government Flow-Through Shares Program, in its current form, has been in the Canadian Income Tax Act since 1977 (and was first introduced in the 1950s).
Keep reading to discover one of the premier flow-through offerings in Canada; the Pavilion Flow-Through LP.
Product Overview
The Pavilion Flow-Through LP by Accilent Capital Management is designed to deliver a 115%+ tax deductible, diversified portfolio of Canadian Junior resource companies. Pavilion is consistently a top performer among its peers.
The main benefits of investing in Pavilion Flow-Through Limited Partnership units are:
-Shelter income through deductions and tax credits
-Provide portfolio diversification into Canadian Natural Resources
-Convert income taxes payable this year into a future capital gain
-Position your portfolio for the precious metals, critical minerals and rare earths bull market
-Diversify across multiple commodities – reduce volatility
-Tax savings provide downside protection against adverse investment performance
The Pavilion Fund was developed because their team saw how Canadian resource pioneers were generating billions of dollars in resource-related wealth, so they created a resource fund that would act as a blueprint for investors looking to replicate this investment style – with the added benefit of significant tax deductions and credits.