Why should you work with a Portfolio Manager?
There are many advantages to working with a Portfolio Manager as opposed to a retail investment manager. Portfolio Managers have a fiduciary duty to act with care, honesty and good faith in the best interest of their clients. Therefore, all investment decisions must be independent, thus preventing conflicts of interest. This results in a higher level of trust between Portfolio Managers and their clients.
All Portfolio Managers, and the firms they work for, must be registered. In order to become registered, they must meet strict financial reporting, capital and insurance requirements and the individual Portfolio Managers are required to have a high level of education and experience in the investment industry.
Portfolio Managers charge a fee based on a percentage of the investments they manage. This fee is transparent and typically less than retail management and distribution costs. The fee is listed on client statements and usually goes down as a percentage of your portfolio as your assets grow. The fees are not a commission that is based on the volume of buying or selling investments and can be significantly lower than standard mutual fund fees.